Some may give a glance at Christ, but they are presently wheeled off again: but why don't the eyes abide there, at least till it come to some profitable issue? Is not Christ worthy on whom our souls should dwell? Certainly, if we love our Jesus, that love will hold us: Christ then will be in our thoughts and minds, and we cannot be off him... Christ himself acknowledged such an operation of love upon himself, "Turn away thine eyes, for they have overcome me. Thou hast ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse, with one of thine eyes," (Song of Songs 6:5, 4:9). Christ was held in the galleries, and captivated with love to His people, so that His eye was ever upon them. No, he could not get His eyes off them. "Can a mother forget her child? No more can I forget you", (Isaiah 49:15). And is Christ so tender in His love towards us that he ever minds us, and shall our minds be so loose to him? So fluttering, and fleeting? Shall there be no more care to bind ourselves in cords of love to him, who hath bound himself in such cords of love to us?